Hot off the press today comes news The Client List has been renewed for a second season with an increased episodes-order to boot. It's no surprise, given the series is pulling in consistently strong ratings and finished last week as the "No. 1 drama on basic cable among adults 18-49."
(Poster, Photo source: IMP Awards)
Client List's digital marketing campaign is straightforward and effective, but aside from character-microblogging on Twitter, light on emotional engagement.
Igniting heated discussions and offering advice benefiting its target audience will remind fans The Client List is the can't-miss appointment they wait all week for.
Below are three recommendations to spice things up:
Shazaming for a massage:
Utilizing "second-screen experience" app Shazam, Client List can interact with viewers and offer bonus content.
Similar to USA Network's Covert Affairs, viewers can grab "spa credits" when the Shazam symbol pops up on the screen that unlocks exclusive content they can watch during commercial breaks.

Covert Affairs spot calls for Shazam action (Photo source: WE Keller Group - Interactive Television Marketing)
In addition to behind the scene footage and bonuses such as the aforementioned hunky wallpaper gallery, Jolene (Kathleen York), who gives straight massages on the show, can provide short video clips of simple, episode-themed, legit relaxation/de-stressing tips that people may want to try out, especially couples.
People watch Client List for escapism from work, school, home, and other burdens, so advice on how to relax would be much appreciated.
The Gray Area - Justifiable actions:
Riley strives to lead an honest life and do the best she can to provide for her family despite the dire circumstances of her husband suddenly deserting them.
The show's conflict revolves around Riley's moral struggle with her job she doesn't feel is something to be proud of while needing it to keep a roof over her children's heads.
Are Riley's (and other characters') actions justifiable? It's a gray area and question poised to start dialogue.
Client List can cull conversation by posting open-ended questions on a forum and/or Facebook, along with polls. @RileyParks82 can ask her followers for advice on weekly dilemmas.
The conversations can partially be steered by leading off with specific questions and/or polls. For example, "Was it appropriate for Evan (Colin Egglesfield) to question how Riley is suddenly earning more money?" or "Was it Riley's place to tell Selena (Alicia Lagano) she could not service a client outside The Rub? After all, Selena did refer Riley to her new job."
Understandably, there will be responses berating Riley for taking on a job they liken to prostitution.
However, the more people critically think about the show's topics and emotionally connect to them, the more they will care about the characters and be interested to tune in and see what happens next. In a sense, it is a book club discussion but for a weekly TV show.
So hot, it's only on YouTube:
Client List is already doing an excellent job asking Facebook fans to share content, but when the news or clips aren't compelling, it is unlikely fans will spread the news to their friends.
We don't see much in the massage room, so a bonus "deleted scene" between Riley and her weekly client can entice fans.
It can be as simple as providing a little more background info on the client, who as mentioned under "Client of the Week," viewers don't know much of, while he receives a backrub.
The YouTube clip can be unlocked or posted on Twitter and Facebook, and even rewarded through Shazam.
Deemed too steamy for TV, it'll set fans racing to engage with Client List through social media to get a glimpse of this exclusive. If it's worth watching, these hot clips will drive Facebook shares, retweets, and interest up.
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